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02472 -251745
Choice Code : 201837210

Department Of Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering

शासकीय तंत्रनिकेतन, उस्मानाबाद

Department Of Electronics & Tele- Communication Engineering


Measurement and control Lab

njk 11

Equipment Details

List of Major Equipment available in Lab :

Cathod ray oscilloscope, function generator,analog multimeter ,digital multimeter,LVDT,PLC trainer kit,DSO, spectrum analyzer,Industrial Electronics Trainer Kit’s

1) Transistorised R.C Timer
2) A.C. Voltage Stabilizer
3) D.C. Power control using S.C.R.
4) A.C. Power control using SCR & Triac
5) Liquid level controller
6) Photo Electric Transducer
7) Study of proximatry switch
8) i) Invertor  ii) D.C. to D.C. Convertor  iii) Transistorised chpper
9) Study of polyphase rectifier
10) Temp. indicator / control ,,Measurement of Speed  by Photoelectric pick – upMeasurement of  Linear Displacement by Linear Motion ,Educational Programmable Logic control Traine

Total Cost Of All Equipment Available In Lab : 

Rs 846838

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